For an up-to-date list of my latest preprint publications, please refer to my personal arXiv feed at .
Network Python (TeNPy) version 1
Johannes Hauschild, Jakob Unfried, Sajant Anand,
Bartholomew Andrews, Marcus Bintz, Umberto Borla, Stefan
Divic, Markus Drescher, Jan Geiger, Martin Hefel, Kévin
Hémery, Wilhelm Kadow, Jack Kemp, Nico Kirchner, Vincent
S. Liu, Gunnar Möller, Daniel Parker, Michael Rader,
Anton Romen, Samuel Scalet, Leon Schoonderwoerd,
Maximilian Schulz, Tomohiro Soejima, Philipp Thoma,
Yantao Wu, Philip Zechmann, Ludwig Zweng, Roger
S. K. Mong, Michael P. Zaletel, Frank Pollmann
SciPost Code Bases 41
Energy minimization of paired composite
fermion wave functions in the spherical geometry
Greg J. Henderson, Gunnar Möller, Steven
H. Simon
Phys. Rev. B 108, 245128 (2023)
Self-similarity of spectral response functions for fractional quantum Hall states
Bartholomew Andrews and Gunnar Möller
Proceedings of Royal Society A
20230021 (2023)
Stability, phase transitions, and numerical breakdown of fractional Chern insulators in higher Chern bands of the Hofstadter model
Bartholomew Andrews,
Titus Neupert and Gunnar Möller
Physical Review
B 104,
125107 (2021)
learning approach to muon spectroscopy analysis
Journal of Physics:
Condensed Matter 33,
194002 (2021)
Topological marker currents in Chern insulators
Marcello D. Caio,
Gunnar Möller,
Nigel R. Cooper, and Miraculous J. Bhaseen
Nature Physics
Physics 15,
257 (2019)
Synthetic gauge fields for lattices with multi-orbital unit cells: routes towards a π-flux dice lattice with flat bands
Gunnar Möller
and Nigel R. Cooper
New Journal of
Physics 20,
073025 (2018)
Stability of fractional Chern insulators in the effective continuum limit of Harper-Hofstadter bands with Chern number |C|>1
Bartholomew Andrews and Gunnar Möller
Physical Review
B 97,
035159 (2018)
Exotic Non-Abelian Topological Defects in Lattice Fractional Quantum Hall States
Zhao Liu, Gunnar Möller
and Emil J. Bergholtz
Physical Review
Letters 119,
106801 (2017)
Note the supplementary information.
Magnetic diffuse scattering in artificial kagome spin ice
O. Sendetskyi, et al.
Physical Review B 93, 224413
PRB Editor's choice;
I modeled and interpreted
data for this experimental collaboration.
Geometric stability of topological lattice phases
T. S. Jackson, G. Möller,
and R. Roy
Communications 6, 8629 (2015)
Note the extensive supplementary information,
especially Supplementary Note 1 on the
canonical definition of Berry curvature.
Fractional Chern Insulators in Harper-Hofstadter Bands with Higher Chern Number
Gunnar Möller
and Nigel R. Cooper
Physical Review Letters 115, 126401 (2015)
Josephson-coupled Moore-Read states
G. Möller,
L. Hormozi, J. Slingerland, and S.H. Simon
Physical Review B 90, 235101 (2014)
Majorana modes and p-wave superfluids for fermionic atoms in optical lattices
A. Bühler,
N. Lang, C.V. Kraus, G. Möller,
S.D. Huber, and H.P. Büchler
Communications 5, 4504 (2014)
Adiabatic continuation of Fractional Chern Insulators to Fractional Quantum Hall States
Thomas Scaffidi and Gunnar Möller
Physical Review Letters 109, 246805 (2012)
Particle Entanglement Spectra for Quantum Hall states on Lattices
A. Sterdyniak, N. Regnault and G. Möller
Physical Review B 86, 165314 (2012)
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect of Lattice Bosons Near Commensurate Flux
L. Hormozi, G. Möller and S. H. Simon
Physical Review Letters 108, 256809 (2012)
Correlated phases of bosons in the flat lowest band of the dice lattice
G. Möller and N. R. Cooper
Physical Review Letters 108, 045306 (2012)
Competing Topological Orders in the ν = 12/5 Quantum Hall State
Parsa Bonderson, Adrian Feiguin, G. Möller, and J. K. Slingerland
Physical Review Letters 108, 036806 (2012)
Neutral Fermion Excitations in the Moore-Read state at Filling Factor ν = 5/2
G. Möller, A. Wójs, and N. R. Cooper
Physical Review Letters 107, 036803 (2011)
Composite Fermion Dynamics in Half-Filled Landau Levels of Graphene
A. Wójs, G. Möller, and N. R. Cooper
Acta Physica Polonica A 119, 592 (2011)
Structure and consequences of vortex-core states in p-wave superfluids
G. Möller, N. R. Cooper and V. Gurarie
Phys. Rev. B 83, 014513
Trial wavefunctions for the Goldstone mode in ν=1/2+1/2 quantum Hall bilayers
G. Möller and S. H. Simon
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, vol. 2011, Article ID 815169
Condensed Groundstates of Frustrated Bose-Hubbard Models
G. Möller and N. R. Cooper
Phys. Rev. A 82, 063625
Skyrmions in the Moore-Read state at ν = 5/2
A. Wójs, G. Möller, S. H. Simon, and N. R. Cooper
Physical Review Letters 104, 086801 (2010)
Magnetic multipole analysis of kagomé and artificial ice dipolar arrays
G. Möller and R. Moessner
Physical Review B (Rapid Communication) 80, 140409(R) (2009)
Composite Fermion Theory for Bosonic Atoms in Optical Lattices
G. Möller and N. R. Cooper
Physical Review Letters 103, 105303 (2009)
Fractional quantum Hall state at ν=1/4 in a wide quantum well
Z. Papic, G. Möller, M. V. Milovanovic, N. Regnault, M. O. Goerbig
Physical Review B 79, 245325 (2009)
Trial Wavefunctions for ν = 1/2 + 1/2 Quantum Hall Bilayers
G. Möller, S. H. Simon, E. H. Rezayi
Physical Review B 79, 125106 (2009)
Pairing in ultracold Fermi gases in the lowest Landau level
G. Möller, Th. Jolicoeur, N. Regnault
Physical Review A 79, 033609 (2009)
Paired composite fermion phase of quantum Hall bilayers at ν = 1/2 + 1/2
G. Möller, S. H. Simon, E. H. Rezayi
Physical Review Letters 101, 176803 (2008)
Paired composite fermion wavefunctions
G. Möller and S. H. Simon
Physical Review B 77, 075319 (2008)
Density waves and supersolidity in rapidly rotating atomic Fermi gases
G. Möller and N. R. Cooper
Physical Review Letters 99, 190409 (2007)
Artificial square ice and related dipolar nanoarrays
G. Möller and R. Moessner
Physical Review Letters 96, 237202 (2006)
Dimensional Reduction on a Sphere
G. Möller, S. Matveenko, and S. Ouvry
Int. J. Mod. Phys. 20, 3533 (2006)
Composite Fermions in Negative Effective Field: A Monte-Carlo Study
G. Möller and S. H. Simon
Physical Review B 72, 045344 (2005)