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Computing Resources - Email Lists

TCM has several email lists in the domain.

Generically-named addresses for various support roles are provided, and give better cover in case of holidays etc. These are admin for administrative / secretarial issues, support for IT issues, web for web issues and news for stories for our web news section.

The most important list is the tcm-users email list. This is run by the University's @lists service, and one can subscribe oneself and unsubscribe oneself, along with viewing archives.

The smaller resident@tcm list is currently generated automatically, so subscription and unsubscription requests are best handled by emailing support@tcm, else they may be reversed by automatic updates. The list contains those people listed on our web pages as being TCM members or visitors who also have a CRSID or a known email address.

The list staff contains those who are invited to TCM staff meetings.

These lists have no restrictions on who can post to them.