On-line Theses
This catalogue contains those TCM theses for which we are aware of the full text being publically available on-line. It is a small part of the total thesis output of the Group. Those in TCM can also explore our catalogue of paper theses. Theses below marked with a TCM crocodile are in both catalogues.
Wonderland of frustration: Magnetic moments and itinerant electrons on the pyrochlore lattice, Cecilie Glittum (January 2025)
Machine learning to extract information from noise: application to concrete and cancer detection, Bahdan Zviazhynski (November 2024)
Towards Machine Learning Foundation Models for Materials Chemistry, Janosh Riebesell (November 2024)
Analysing First Passage Time Distributions of Large Ill-Conditioned Energy Landscapes, Esmae Woods (September 2024)
Emergent Critical Phases in Strongly Correlated Low-Dimensional Magnetic Systems, Shiyu Deng (November 2023)
Accelerating the Design-Make-Test cycle of Drug Discovery with Machine Learning, William McCorkindale (October 2023)
Band topology beyond symmetry eigenvalues with applications to electronic and phononic systems, Gunnar Lange (July 2023)
On the topological properties of the vibrations of solids, Bo Peng (July 2023)
Crystal structure prediction for rechargeable battery anodes, Matthew Evans (July 2023)
Dynamics of frustrated magnetic systems - Emergent fractals and anomalous magnetic noise in spin ice, Erik Nilsson Hallén (April 2023)
Data-driven understanding and forecasting of electrochemical systems, Penelope Jones (January 2023)
Machine learning approach to model the microstructure and strength of nickel superalloys,
Patrick Taylor (December 2022)
Applications of Gaussian Processes at Extreme Lengthscales: From Molecules to Black Holes, Ryan-Rhys Griffiths (August 2022)
Static and Dynamic Disorder in Emerging Optoelectronic Materials, Ivona Bravic (August 2022)
Non-Hermitian Topology and Directional Amplification in Driven-Dissipative Cavity Arrays,
Clara Wanjura (July 2022)
Modelling of Electromagnetic Surface Wave Propagation for High-Speed Communications, Tobias Schaich (June 2022)
Extending first principles spectroscopy to disordered materials: a study on amorphous and crystalline aluminas, Angela Harper (June 2022)
Collective Phenomena in Excitonic Quantum Matter,
Benjamin Remez (May 2022)
Discrete time crystals beyond the MBL paradigm, Andrea Pizzi (February 2022)
Taming the Inverse and Forward Problems in Density Functional Theory, Nicholas Woods (January 2022)
Accelerating Materials Discovery with Machine Learning, Rhys Goodall (November 2021)
Competing polar and nonpolar distortions and phase transitions in low-dimensional materials, Daniel Bennett (October 2021)
Thermodynamics of neutral sets and sequence length changes in the genotype-phenotype map of RNA secondary structure, Nora Martin (October 2021)
Novel methods to predict solid-state material properties, Michael Hutcheon (September 2021)
On the prediction of electronic stopping power from first principles, Jessica Halliday (September 2021)
Diffusion, sub-diffusion, and escape: A study of over-damped Brownian motion, Thomas Gray (July 2021)
Nonzero Temperatures and Emergent Disorder in Spin Liquids,
Oliver Hart (June 2021)
Development of a multiscale coarse-grained chromatin model, Stephen Farr (June 2021)
First-Principles Studies of Complex Oxide Materials, Can Koçer (May 2021)
Stability and superconductivity of light-atom systems under extreme pressure, Alice Shipley (March 2021)
Equilibration of deep neural networks and carrier chirality in Rashba systems,
Philipp Verpoort (February 2021)
Accelerating vibrational free energy calculations for anharmonic crystals,
Mark Johnson (January 2021)
Symmetry in Crystal Structure Prediction, James Darby (January 2021)
Physical properties of alkanes and their mixtures,
Pavao Santak (December 2020)
Mocking quantum mechanics: Semiclassical and machine-learning approaches to frustrated magnetism,
Attila Szabó (October 2020)
Efficient Methods for Exploring Chemical Space in Computational Drug Discovery, Alexander Wade (1 September 2020)
Geometry and Topology of Quantum States in Quasicrystalline Systems, Stephen Spurrier (August 2020)
Structural Properties of Genotype-Phenotype Maps: Models, Estimates and Evolution, Marcel Weiß (August 2020)
Dynamical Aspects of Topological Quantum Systems, Maximillian McGinley (3 August 2020)
Communal pairing in Fermi gases with attractive interactions,
Darryl Foo (1 August 2020)
Nonlinear dissipative dynamics of optomechanical and laser arrays,
Petr Zapletal (30 July 2020)
Network modularity and local environment similarity as descriptors of protein structure, Will Grant (June 2020)
Quantum simulation and out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum gases in optical cavities, Ezequiel Rodriguez Chiacchio (June 2020)
First principles and machine learning methods in molecules, fluids, and solids,
Yu Liu (9 April 2020)
Exotic vortices in superfluids and matrix product states for quantum optimization and machine learning,
Beñat Mencia Uranga (2 March 2020)
Modelling the evolution of biological complexity with a two-dimensional lattice self-assembly process, Alexander Leonard (1 March 2020)
Predicting Transitions in Fischer-Tropsch Reactors, Kevin Duff (29 February 2020)
Accounting for Strong Electronic Correlation in Metalloproteins,
Edward Linscott (26 October 2019)
Shape formation via elastic instabilities,
Nontawit Cheewaruangroj (20 July 2019)
Non-equilibrium dynamics of dipole-coupled internal states in cold gases,
Christopher Parmee (20 July 2019)
Quantum Mechanically Derived Biomolecular Force Fields,
Alice Allen (18 May 2019)
Stability of topological states and crystalline solids,
Bartholomew Andrews (October 2018)
Disorder-free localization,
Adam Smith (17 September 2018)
Decompositions of Free Energies in Molecular Simulation,
Benedict Irwin (14 September 2018)
First-principles structure prediction of extreme nanowires,
Jamie Wynn (August 2018)
Periodic driving and nonreciprocity in cavity optomechanics,
Daniel Malz (August 2018)
Spectral and dynamical properties of disordered and noisy quantum spin models, Daniel Rowlands (August 2018)
Interacting Fermi Gases,
Thomas Whitehead (13 April 2018)
Disorder in holographic field theories: inhomogeneous geometries, momentum relaxation and SYK models, Bruno Loureiro (April 2018)
Large-scale density functional theory study of van-der-Waals heterostructures, Gabriel Constantinescu (March 2018)
Theoretical studies of compressed xenon oxides, tin selenide thermoelectrics, and defects in graphene,
Nicholas Worth (2018)
Ab Initio Prediction of Metal Phosphide Anode Materials for Lithium and Beyond Lithium Batteries (MPhil), Angela Harper (2018)
Application of quantum Monte Carlo methods to homogeneous electron and electron-hole systems,
Graham Spink (December 2017)
Ab Initio Anode Materials Discovery for Li- and Na-Ion Batteries, Martin Mayo (December 2017)
Electronic Structure Modelling of Singlet Fission in Organic Photovoltaics, David Turban (November 2017)
Crystal structure prediction at high pressures: stability, superconductivity and superionicity, Joseph Nelson (November 2017)
Investigating anharmonic effects in condensed matter systems, Joseph Prentice (September 2017)
Interacting atoms in time-dependent potentials and artificial gauge fields, Thomas Bilitewski (November 2016)
Aspects of transport in strongly correlated systems with gravity duals,
Aurelio Romero Bermúdez (July 2016)
Large scale simulations of conduction in carbon nanotube networks,
Robert Bell (7 April 2015)
Large scale quantum mechanical enzymology,
Greg Lever (7 October 2014)
Electronic stopping power of slow ions in solids from first principles, Ahsan Zeb (12 November 2013)
Topological phenomena in ultracold atomic gases,
Hannah Price (8 October 2013)
Improved wave functions for quantum Monte Carlo,
Priyanka Seth (5 February 2013)
Theoretical study of polar complex oxide heterostructures, Nicholas Bristowe (October 2012)
Application of quantum Monte Carlo methods to excitonic and electronic systems,
Robert Lee (12 July 2011)
Collective phenomena in correlated semiconductors, degenerate Fermi gases, and ferroelectrics,
Gareth Conduit (13 October 2009)
Multiscale hybrid simulation of brittle fracture,
James Kermode (11 March 2008)
Backflow and pairing wave function for quantum Monte Carlo methods,
Pablo Lopez Rios (March 2007)
Aspects of quantum coherence, David Aragon (25 March 2006)
Coexistence and competition of superconductivity and magnetism,
Nagulan Saravanamuttu (15 June 2004)
First principles calculation of nuclear magnetic resonance parameters,
Jonathan Yates (25 November 2003)
Bose condensation in a model microcavity,
Paul Eastham (19 June 2001)
Linear-scaling methods in ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations,
Peter Haynes (13 October 1998)
Inverse protein folding, hierarchical optimisation and tie knots,
Thomas Fink (10 July 1998)
Ab initio electron energy loss spectroscopy,
Christopher Pickard (9 December 1997)
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of electronic excitations,
Andrew Williamson (10 December 1996)
Growth and stability of silicon carbide polytypes,
Michael Rutter (September 1996)
An extension of the Anderson model as a model for mixed valence rare earth materials, Frederick Haldane (27 June 1978)
Non-linear conduction in superconductors, Brian Josephson (August 1964)
The determination of the band structure of metals,
Volker Heine (22 November 1956)